In situations involving domestic violence or threats of harm, individuals may find themselves contemplating the necessity of filing for a restraining order against their spouse. A restraining order, also known as a protective order or an order of protection, is a...
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Domestic Violence
How can you identify the signs of domestic violence?
It might seem like domestic abuse and violence are very easy to identify in marriages. However, that is not always true, as some people fail to recognize ill-treatment even when it occurs on a regular basis. As a result, it is important for you to know the signs of...
How does seeing domestic violence affect kids?
Domestic violence is alarmingly common in the U.S. In fact, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, approximately 10 million people are victims of it every single year. This translates to about 20 Americans every minute. If you are in an abusive...
Is domestic violence always physical?
Though some people believe that domestic violence involves physical abuse in all cases, this is not true. Emotional and verbal abuse can also leave behind scarring, even if it is not visible to the naked eye. A victim might have grounds for a domestic violence case...
How to respond when served with a restraining order
Restraining orders are protective actions issued by the court on behalf of individuals who believe their safety is at risk. These orders are against a named individual at the center of the conflict often on account of threats or a history of violent behaviors....
What constitutes domestic violence?
When you are involved in a legal situation concerning domestic violence, it helps to understand the legal definition of this crime. That can help you with your defense strategy. The California Courts explain it is the abuse of someone with whom you have or have had a...
What can a California restraining order do?
If you are the victim of physical or sexual abuse, stalking, harassment or some other type of threatening behavior, you may wish to obtain a restraining order. A restraining order can protect you against these behaviors and, in the process, safeguard your physical and...
What can you do about false domestic violence accusations?
Even if your relationship is mostly calm, you know your partner can be unpredictable. During an argument, he or she may scream at you or even assault you. If someone calls the police, your partner even may claim you have assaulted him or her. Regardless of whether...
What are some hidden signs of domestic abuse?
Figuring out how to handle domestic violence can seem tough, and noticing hidden signs can be just as hard. Some signs may not seem obvious at first, but learning more about them can help you make important decisions. Exhibits controlling behavior According to the...
What do you know about verbal and emotional abuse?
Even though your partner never raises a hand against you, that does not mean you cannot experience domestic violence. Verbal and emotional abuse may leave psychological scars rather than bruises, broken bones or welts. WebMD explains non-physical abuse and its signs....