One of the most sensitive issues you need to work through during a divorce is child custody and visitation. Child-related issues during a divorce may become contentious if you do not have proper expectations. The preferred course of action for parents is to agree on...
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Categories Child Custody (58) Child Support (33) Divorce (176) Domestic Violence (42) Property Division (45) divorce (1)
Making child support payments online
If you owe child support as a non-custodial parent, or if you are getting a divorce and believe that you will have these obligations soon, it is important to understand the different ways you can make payments. Although many parents have support withheld by their...
How domestic violence restraining orders work in California
When a romantic partner threatens you or makes you feel unsafe in California, or when a romantic partner accuses you of doing the same, one of you may decide to try to take out a domestic violence restraining order on the other. Domestic violence takes place when...
Can you relocate with your kids?
Your divorce in California certainly brings with it a certain sense of finality. Yet life does go on, and that will likely include you encountering a number of new opportunities. One of these may include moving away from the state to live closer to family, seek new...