In today's world a good credit score is a very valuable asset. It can affect one's ability to get credit and can also be a factor in obtaining employment. A married couple often builds a credit history jointly through shared credit cards, mortgages and car loans. If...
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Property Division
Community property state treats debt differently in divorce
Dividing up debt does not follow absolute rules in a divorce proceeding. Even though one party assumes all of the debt by being the only person named on a credit card account, for example, courts will sometimes order that the other party pay some or all of the account...
Community property and handling credit card debt in a divorce
When a couple decides to move forward with divorce, it is a decision that will being many significant changes to to the lives of both parties. Division of marital property and how credit card debt is handled will affect a person's financial stability for years to...
Giuliani and wife clash as they begin to divide property
California residents may be aware that former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his wife Judith are moving through a high asset divorce. As they navigate that process, the couple are at odds over how much money Mr. Giuliani is bringing in. According to his 2017 tax returns,...
Property division and the prenuptial agreement
A prenuptial agreement may not be the most romantic part of planning for a wedding; however, many California couples discover that it is an essential part of the planning process. As the couple is planning to say "I do," they are not anticipating the end of their...
Divorce can have financial and tax implications for the individua
School will be starting soon, and then the holidays will be here. Would it be better to file for divorce now or wait until the New Year? These are common thoughts that often run through one's head while making the decision to divorce. In addition to these...
Property division discussion part of planning beyond the wedding
A wedding is an exciting event. The bride and groom spend countless hours planning and preparing for this glorious event. Yet, all too often, they spend more time planning for the wedding than they do planning for the marriage. In today's society, many California...
Hidden assets – the truth will come out
Advances in technology are wonderful. While they can be enormously beneficial to individuals and society, they can also be abused and used for illegal and immoral purposes. California residents who are going through divorce may be aware of a particular technology that...
Property division: does a short sale mean the short straw?
Mortgages and realty ownership can be complicated at the best of times. When a California couple divorce, the marital home may be dealt with in a number of ways. If there is no definite severing of rights and responsibilities on mortgage agreements and realty deeds,...
Property division: the $1 million question
Money, or the love of it, may or may not be the root of all evil: however, there is no doubt that it can cause many an argument. When California residents divorce, an individual retirement account may be part of the property division. What may start off as an amicable...