The baby boomer population is mostly alive and well in California and nationwide. They are entering their retirement years and making out their estate plans to transfer a massive base of wealth to their heirs in the coming years. What happens to the normally...
Providing Compassionate, Intelligent Counsel
Law Office of Stuart E. Bruers
Divorce may lead to possibly higher Social Security benefits
California residents who are divorced or facing a divorce should know some basic facts about Social Security retirement benefits. To qualify for benefits, an individual must have roughly a 10-year work history where Social Security taxes were paid into the fund. When...
Co-parenting after divorce may take some hard work to get right
How two parents handle the interaction between each other and with their children post-divorce will have a lot to say about how the children grow emotionally in their formative years. Cooperative co-parenting is a popular concept in California and other states. Truth...
Get better results by avoiding common divorce pitfalls
There are certain universal pitfalls to avoid in California and other states when a person is involved in divorce proceedings. Despite the following considerations, however, one must consult regularly with an experienced family law attorney in order to remain fully...
Divorce does not have to feel like a minefield
The marital dissolution process can feel like a minefield, with emotional explosions taking place unexpectedly. Unfortunately, these explosions could cause serious injuries that leave lasting scars. However, a couple of tips may help people in California who are going...
Child custody and visitation goes smoothly for celebrity couple
Conscientious parents in California and elsewhere may experiment with their child custody and visitation arrangements after a formal separation and during a divorce proceeding. Sometimes, an initial flexible approach that is not written in stone is preferred to best...
Prenuptial contract may be difficult to enforce in divorce case
Prenuptial agreements have become somewhat common in the divorce process in California and elsewhere. A prenup is a contract entered into prior to the marriage. It contains provisions that generally define who gets what property if there is a separation and divorce....
World’s richest man announces divorce after 25-year marriage
Celebrity divorces often occur in California due to its being the home to the entertainment industry. Other nearby states also are the home to some famous divorce matters due to their association with some of the largest technology companies. One of the biggest...
Pets finally get rights in divorce cases in California
California recently became the third state to recognize that pets have rights. A state law that became effective on Jan. 1 provides among other things that in divorce cases family law courts will have the authority to determine what is in the best interests of the...
Domestic violence can mean non-physical abuse
Far too many people, here in California and all over the country, are victims of domestic violence. Abuse from a romantic partner can take a toll on victims in many ways. A survivor, who now works with other survivors, says that the abuse she endured wasn't physical,...