Child custody is an expense you will need to budget each month. Not adequately planning for it could cause stress when you remember a payment deadline and have no money to cover those costs. If you encounter financial hardship, you may consider skipping your custody...
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Child Support
Making child support payments online
If you owe child support as a non-custodial parent, or if you are getting a divorce and believe that you will have these obligations soon, it is important to understand the different ways you can make payments. Although many parents have support withheld by their...
Will I pay interest on overdue spousal support?
A court order to pay spousal support obligates you to pay your former spouse according to the schedule laid out in the order. Some people miss out on a payment or two, perhaps due to circumstances beyond their control. If you are late with a payment, you will likely...
Could I face contempt of court for not paying child support?
If you have to pay child support, you have an order from a court to do so. As with any court order, you have a legal obligation to follow it or face punishments. The Judicial Branch of California explains you could potentially face a contempt of court charge if you do...
Factors California courts consider when awarding spousal support
When you and your California spouse part ways, you may decide to pursue spousal support if you were the lower-earning party in your relationship. The same holds true if you put your career or schooling on hold for the sake of your husband or wife. When deciding...
What factors affect child support amounts?
Just as you had several financial considerations as part of dissolving your marriage, the same applies to the child custody and child support aspect of your divorce. How much should you expect to pay or receive? Money Crashers explains factors courts consider when...
How hard is it to modify a child support order?
Child support is simply money one parent pays to the other to provide for the needs of the child. Because a parent’s support obligation stems from a court order, there are serious consequences for falling behind on support payments or stopping them altogether. In some...
What expenses does child support cover?
Despite your divorce, you and your ex-spouse must still work together to raise your shared child, which requires one of you to pay child support. Do you know which expenses qualify for child support? Our Family Wizard explains how divorced couples may use child...
Another way you may receive support from your ex-spouse
While spousal support may become an important source of your income, at retirement age, you will need every penny you can get to maintain the standard of living you used to enjoy while married. Lawmakers understand that, often, one spouse earned considerably less...
What happens when you can’t pay child support?
The court recognizes that lives and circumstances change, but it must enter a child support order based on the details at the time of the hearing. If you find yourself unable to pay your child support, you do have options. The California Courts does note that you...