One might naturally assume that there will be no further problems after the finalization of one's divorce. While this may often be the case, there are certain situations in which further discussion or cooperation may be necessary. There can be unforeseen tax...
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Property Division
Defining legal separation for community property assessment
It is always helpful when things are straightforward. When it comes to divorce, however, things can be quite complex in nature. One California couple, who are going through the divorce process, are awaiting a State Supreme Court ruling on the date that they can...
Joint tax implications can follow you even after divorce
When couples are married, they may discuss many topics regarding their relationship. The number of children each spouse would like and the neighborhood in which they would like to live may come high on the list, but it may come as a surprise to learn that finance is a...
When a picture paints two words — community property
Whatever one's taste in art, there is little doubt that into every creation, the artist is likely to have poured his or her heart and soul. On this basis, an artist may not consider such items in terms of material possessions. In California, it may come as a shock to...
California’s status as community property state can affect taxes
There are a variety of issues that may lead a couple to divorce. During divorce proceedings, it is not always easy for couples to remain amicable or cooperative. Living in a community property state and understanding the tax implications of that status may make...
When California property division in a divorce means business
Divorce is often financially complex. In a community property state such as California, it may stir up emotions when deciding, for example, which spouse gets the wedding china. For couples who own a business together, there can be unforeseen complications that do not...
John Sculley, former Apple CEO, in hidden assets allegation
Divorce proceedings can be complex and time consuming. Once a divorce is finalized, one may consider that to be the end of the matter, and, in the majority of cases, that is true. For a few California residents, important information regarding hidden assets may come...
Hide and seek is no game when it comes to property division
Affairs of the heart are often very painful. When a marriage falls apart, one may experience a variety of emotions. While it is natural for those facing divorce to feel confused and emotional, one should try to avoid acting on those feelings in any way that may...
What may be considered fair when it comes to property division?
Fairness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. When negotiating a divorce, California residents may find that this is a subject on which they cannot agree, especially when it comes to property division. The laws surrounding this subject can be quite complex,...
Property division may have greater consequences than anticipated
When it comes to matters of divorce, it can be very easy to feel as though things are not as fair as they should be. Sometimes, the issue of how to divide property can become very personal. Bricks and mortar may be worth more to an individual than mere dollars, and...