People often put an unfair level of pressure on themselves. A person can feel immense guilt if he or she makes any kind of mistake as a parent, husband or wife. When it comes to divorce, there are many things one may find hard to come to terms with. There are many means in which California residents can overcome the pitfalls of thinking negatively when entering into the dissolution of their marriages.
Many people think that a couple should hate each other in order to go through with a divorce. This can often be the case; however, it doesn’t have to be. At one time, the two people involved in a divorce loved each other enough to decide that they wanted to marry and they most likely still can reflect back on many happy times and experiences over the years. Sadly, there are a myriad of instances where couples can grow apart and simply find that what they once felt for the other has changed into something which no longer fulfills them enough to remain married.
If the spouse who wishes to initiate the divorce can reassure the other party that there is no anger or acrimony toward him or her, it may make communication easier. The other party may need time to take stock of what has happened. It may only require some positive reflection on certain aspects of a marriage before the other party is able to reach the point where he or she can agree that this turn of events is for the best.
If communication becomes too difficult, couples in California can engage in divorce mediation. During this process, both parties sit with an impartial third party who can calmly facilitate the discussion. If a couple can be brought to a point of mutual understanding and agreement, it could result in significantly less time being spent in a courtroom. A lesser amount of time in front of a judge could benefit California spouses both emotionally and financially as they attempt to move on toward a better future.
Source: The Huffington Post, “10 Reasons My ‘Failed Marriage’ Was Anything But A Failure“, Sophie Rosen, June 1, 2014